By Christine Abbott

We are delighted that we have been invited by Sir Jackie Stewart to support the charity Race against Dementia (RaD) at Goodwood Festival of Speed and The Sir Jackie Stewart Classic at Thirlestane Castle with volunteers getting free tickets in return for a couple of hours on the RaD stand.
Already we have 40 volunteers for Goodwood Festival of Speed on the 23rd – 26th June although there is always room for more especially in the afternoon and are now looking for around 30 volunteers for the Sir Jackie Stewart Classic event at Thirlestane Castle on the 18 and 19th June. Free entrance tickets are given to all volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering at either event or have an idea of how we can raise awareness and / or funds offer this charity, please get in touch at
Race against Dementia was founded by Sir Jackie Stewart following his wife Helen’s diagnosis of dementia to raise and allocate funds to accelerate global research and development in the race to find a prevention or treatment for dementia.
Today, 50 million people around the world have dementia. Unless a cure is found, one in three people born today will die with dementia. A new person develops dementia every three seconds. This crisis cannot continue. The vision is a breakthrough in the prevention or treatment of dementia with the greatest of urgency through our 4 key principles:
NEW TALENT. Identifying and financially backing the most talented early-career researchers. INNOVATION. Providing catalyst funding, enabling researchers to pursue innovative ideas at the highest level, that might not get funded by the mainstream. SPEED. instilling a ‘Formula 1 attitude’ in attention to detail and urgency, to accelerate the pace of solutions development. GLOBAL. Forming strong alliances with research centres of excellence on a global basis
All images with the permission of Race against Dementia (Motorsport images and Schlegalmilch)